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Magma February 2025 Update #2

Feb 18, 2025


5 min

Ryan Allan

Ryan Allan

Ryan Allan

아티스트이자 콘텐츠 작가 | 디지털 아트 기술을 리뷰함 | Eyekoo라는 이름으로 그림을 그림 | 아침 커피와 함께 도리이 게이트를 꿈꾸다

We've got some more exciting news for this latest update in our more frequent release cycle at Magma. Let's dive right in…

Increased limits for Spark users

We’ve made a few more perks available to our free/Spark users! As mentioned in our previous release post, we’re testing out ads as way to make some previously paywalled features available for everyone. That also means some new things are on the way for the paid plan. More on that later down the line, but for now:

Reference Window is now free

While it’s easy enough to just paste reference onto your canvas, it’s a whole lot nicer to have a dedicated floating window for it. We’ve now made the Reference Window in your View menu fully unlocked for all users. You can import images from your device, add from your clipboard, or even use other canvases of yours in this window. See more about how to use it in our Reference Window user guide.

No caller limit for Spark

When we updated some UI elements, we unintentionally removed a known bug that allowed more than two users on canvas voice call. We’re not changing the UI back but instead removing the limit for Spark callers altogether. When running public canvases and Art Jams, keep in mind that you can adjust permissions in your Admin menu for who can access the call feature based on the role they have assigned.

Chinese fonts added

We’ve been seeing significantly more Chinese users on the platform, so as part of a localization effort, we’ve also added some Chinese fonts for our Text Tool. There’s also the option to set your Magma language to Chinese Simplified in your account settings. We hope this makes using our platform and communicating with each other much easier. 在Magma上画画玩得开心哦!


As always, we’re hunting down bugs and fixing things along the way. That’s all for this update. Be sure to join the Magma Discord server to be a part of product discussions and news about what’s coming next. See you on the canvas!

We've got some more exciting news for this latest update in our more frequent release cycle at Magma. Let's dive right in…

Increased limits for Spark users

We’ve made a few more perks available to our free/Spark users! As mentioned in our previous release post, we’re testing out ads as way to make some previously paywalled features available for everyone. That also means some new things are on the way for the paid plan. More on that later down the line, but for now:

Reference Window is now free

While it’s easy enough to just paste reference onto your canvas, it’s a whole lot nicer to have a dedicated floating window for it. We’ve now made the Reference Window in your View menu fully unlocked for all users. You can import images from your device, add from your clipboard, or even use other canvases of yours in this window. See more about how to use it in our Reference Window user guide.

No caller limit for Spark

When we updated some UI elements, we unintentionally removed a known bug that allowed more than two users on canvas voice call. We’re not changing the UI back but instead removing the limit for Spark callers altogether. When running public canvases and Art Jams, keep in mind that you can adjust permissions in your Admin menu for who can access the call feature based on the role they have assigned.

Chinese fonts added

We’ve been seeing significantly more Chinese users on the platform, so as part of a localization effort, we’ve also added some Chinese fonts for our Text Tool. There’s also the option to set your Magma language to Chinese Simplified in your account settings. We hope this makes using our platform and communicating with each other much easier. 在Magma上画画玩得开心哦!


As always, we’re hunting down bugs and fixing things along the way. That’s all for this update. Be sure to join the Magma Discord server to be a part of product discussions and news about what’s coming next. See you on the canvas!

We've got some more exciting news for this latest update in our more frequent release cycle at Magma. Let's dive right in…

Increased limits for Spark users

We’ve made a few more perks available to our free/Spark users! As mentioned in our previous release post, we’re testing out ads as way to make some previously paywalled features available for everyone. That also means some new things are on the way for the paid plan. More on that later down the line, but for now:

Reference Window is now free

While it’s easy enough to just paste reference onto your canvas, it’s a whole lot nicer to have a dedicated floating window for it. We’ve now made the Reference Window in your View menu fully unlocked for all users. You can import images from your device, add from your clipboard, or even use other canvases of yours in this window. See more about how to use it in our Reference Window user guide.

No caller limit for Spark

When we updated some UI elements, we unintentionally removed a known bug that allowed more than two users on canvas voice call. We’re not changing the UI back but instead removing the limit for Spark callers altogether. When running public canvases and Art Jams, keep in mind that you can adjust permissions in your Admin menu for who can access the call feature based on the role they have assigned.

Chinese fonts added

We’ve been seeing significantly more Chinese users on the platform, so as part of a localization effort, we’ve also added some Chinese fonts for our Text Tool. There’s also the option to set your Magma language to Chinese Simplified in your account settings. We hope this makes using our platform and communicating with each other much easier. 在Magma上画画玩得开心哦!


As always, we’re hunting down bugs and fixing things along the way. That’s all for this update. Be sure to join the Magma Discord server to be a part of product discussions and news about what’s coming next. See you on the canvas!

월간 뉴스레터에 가입하세요

... 여기를 팔로우하세요:

Ryan Allan

Ryan Allan

Ryan Allan

아티스트이자 콘텐츠 작가 | 디지털 아트 기술을 리뷰함 | Eyekoo라는 이름으로 그림을 그림 | 아침 커피와 함께 도리이 게이트를 꿈꾸다

관련 기사

Ryan Allan


Feb 18, 2025

A look at what's new in the latest Magma update...

Anya Kondratyeva


2024년 7월 10일

친구를 Magma에 초대하면 리워드 프로그램을 시작합니다! 다른 아티스트를 추천하시면, 두 분 모두 추가 브러시 프리셋을 저장할 수 있습니다.

Anya Kondratyeva


2024년 6월 18일

창의적인 그림 이벤트를 주최하는 아티스트 모임인 Art Pizza Podcast 팀과의 대화를 읽어보세요. 이들은 Magma에서 즐거운 드로잉 행사를 개최하고 있습니다.

Anya Kondratyeva


2024년 6월 20일

규칙과 모범 사례를 보려면, 다른 사람들과 캔버스에서 협업하는 방법에 대한 블로그 게시물을 확인하세요. 여기에는 디지털 아티스트와 창의적인 전문가를 위한 혁신적이고 명확한 UI 언어로 설명되어 있습니다.

마그마를 다른 사람들과 무료로 체험해보세요

다양한 디지털 아티스트들과 아트 커뮤니티, 게임 개발자, 컨셉 아티스트 혹은 다른 창의적 팀들을 위한 유일무이 아트 협업 플랫폼에 참여하세요.

마그마를 다른 사람들과 무료로 체험해보세요

다양한 디지털 아티스트들과 아트 커뮤니티, 게임 개발자, 컨셉 아티스트 혹은 다른 창의적 팀들을 위한 유일무이 아트 협업 플랫폼에 참여하세요.

마그마를 다른 사람들과 무료로 체험해보세요

다양한 디지털 아티스트들과 아트 커뮤니티, 게임 개발자, 컨셉 아티스트 혹은 다른 창의적 팀들을 위한 유일무이 아트 협업 플랫폼에 참여하세요.