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Magma Classroom LIVE Recap - Painting Foil Balloons

Jun 12th, 2023


5min read

Ryan Allan

Ryan Allan

Ryan Allan

Artist and content writer | Reviews digital art tech | Paints under the name Eyekoo | Dreams of torii gates with his morning coffee

A new week, and a new study subject for painting in the Magma Classroom LIVE stream. Building on the painting fundamentals that we covered in previous sessions, this time we applied that to some shiny foil balloons.

The Magma Classroom, hosted by artist, Ryan Allan, is a space where we can sharpen our skills, revisit core principles, and try painting things that we haven’t done before. The goal is definitely not perfect artworks here, especially if you intend to stick to the allocated time. But, participants are welcome to push further after the live stream to get a more refined result.

This subject was suggested by one of our regular Classroom attendees and it certainly was an interesting one. Shoutout to all our participants: Eyebrowl, Adinaa, Radek, Shian Kiku, Chii, Everesce, DPO, and Uuuhhh.

Magma Classroom 29 May 2023

A few important things to look out for as we figured out how to paint these balloons:

  • The surface is very reflective - elements of the environment will be visible;

  • The highlights are going to be sharp;

  • Silhouette appears to have a neat, smooth edge, but the seam creates a bit of wave in the silhouette;

  • Reflections of the environment will warp to follow the form of the balloon.

Magma Classroom 1 June 2023

The Magma Classroom LIVE session with Ryan take place each week:

  • Monday 12pm Central Europe Time

  • Thursday 10am Central Daylight Time

Stay tuned about upcoming sessions by subscribing to our YouTube channel.

You can find all of our previous Magma Classroom lessons here too:

A new week, and a new study subject for painting in the Magma Classroom LIVE stream. Building on the painting fundamentals that we covered in previous sessions, this time we applied that to some shiny foil balloons.

The Magma Classroom, hosted by artist, Ryan Allan, is a space where we can sharpen our skills, revisit core principles, and try painting things that we haven’t done before. The goal is definitely not perfect artworks here, especially if you intend to stick to the allocated time. But, participants are welcome to push further after the live stream to get a more refined result.

This subject was suggested by one of our regular Classroom attendees and it certainly was an interesting one. Shoutout to all our participants: Eyebrowl, Adinaa, Radek, Shian Kiku, Chii, Everesce, DPO, and Uuuhhh.

Magma Classroom 29 May 2023

A few important things to look out for as we figured out how to paint these balloons:

  • The surface is very reflective - elements of the environment will be visible;

  • The highlights are going to be sharp;

  • Silhouette appears to have a neat, smooth edge, but the seam creates a bit of wave in the silhouette;

  • Reflections of the environment will warp to follow the form of the balloon.

Magma Classroom 1 June 2023

The Magma Classroom LIVE session with Ryan take place each week:

  • Monday 12pm Central Europe Time

  • Thursday 10am Central Daylight Time

Stay tuned about upcoming sessions by subscribing to our YouTube channel.

You can find all of our previous Magma Classroom lessons here too:

A new week, and a new study subject for painting in the Magma Classroom LIVE stream. Building on the painting fundamentals that we covered in previous sessions, this time we applied that to some shiny foil balloons.

The Magma Classroom, hosted by artist, Ryan Allan, is a space where we can sharpen our skills, revisit core principles, and try painting things that we haven’t done before. The goal is definitely not perfect artworks here, especially if you intend to stick to the allocated time. But, participants are welcome to push further after the live stream to get a more refined result.

This subject was suggested by one of our regular Classroom attendees and it certainly was an interesting one. Shoutout to all our participants: Eyebrowl, Adinaa, Radek, Shian Kiku, Chii, Everesce, DPO, and Uuuhhh.

Magma Classroom 29 May 2023

A few important things to look out for as we figured out how to paint these balloons:

  • The surface is very reflective - elements of the environment will be visible;

  • The highlights are going to be sharp;

  • Silhouette appears to have a neat, smooth edge, but the seam creates a bit of wave in the silhouette;

  • Reflections of the environment will warp to follow the form of the balloon.

Magma Classroom 1 June 2023

The Magma Classroom LIVE session with Ryan take place each week:

  • Monday 12pm Central Europe Time

  • Thursday 10am Central Daylight Time

Stay tuned about upcoming sessions by subscribing to our YouTube channel.

You can find all of our previous Magma Classroom lessons here too:

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Ryan Allan

Ryan Allan

Ryan Allan

Artist and content writer | Reviews digital art tech | Paints under the name Eyekoo | Dreams of torii gates with his morning coffee

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마그마를 다른 사람들과 무료로 체험해보세요

다양한 디지털 아티스트들과 아트 커뮤니티, 게임 개발자, 컨셉 아티스트 혹은 다른 창의적 팀들을 위한 유일무이 아트 협업 플랫폼에 참여하세요.

마그마를 다른 사람들과 무료로 체험해보세요

다양한 디지털 아티스트들과 아트 커뮤니티, 게임 개발자, 컨셉 아티스트 혹은 다른 창의적 팀들을 위한 유일무이 아트 협업 플랫폼에 참여하세요.

마그마를 다른 사람들과 무료로 체험해보세요

다양한 디지털 아티스트들과 아트 커뮤니티, 게임 개발자, 컨셉 아티스트 혹은 다른 창의적 팀들을 위한 유일무이 아트 협업 플랫폼에 참여하세요.